Take the poverty-driven frustration of inner-city Richmond, a youth street culture that glorifies thugs and applauds degradation of women, and the desensitization of young men through violent video games, music and language, and you have a template for trouble.
via sfgate.com
I thought we were past scapegoating video games for violent behavior but apparently not, according to SFGate's report on the gang rape of a 15-year-old girl at Richmond High School last week.
In addition to video games, the following items were cited as contributing to the attack:
- poor lighting
- the victim 'trying too hard to please the school's bad boys.'
- lack of fences
- 'street culture'
I have an idea, let's blame the fucking anti-social deviants that beat and raped a girl for 2-1/2 hours and left her semiconscious underneath a picnic table (and maybe drop Kevin Fagan a line and let him know what an awesome job he did writing that article: kfagan@sfchronicle.com )
There are plenty of people that grow up in situations as bad, or worse, and they somehow manage to avoid luring a girl into a dark courtyard to gang rape her.
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