Thursday, July 10, 2008

Senate Sells out US Citizens and Passes FISA Amendments

Joining their sellout brothers and sisters in the House, the United States Senate passed the FISA amendments, giving the administration more tools to spy on Americans and granting immunity to the telecoms that participated in the last round of illegal spying.

EFF has a nice press release explaining just how badly we were sold out:

The U.S. Senate this afternoon passed the FISA Amendments Act, broadly expanding the president's warrantless surveillance authority and unconstitutionally granting retroactive immunity to telecommunications companies that participated in the president's illegal domestic wiretapping program. The House of Representatives passed the same bill last month, and President Bush is expected to sign the legislation into law shortly.

Say what you want about Hilary, at least she didn't cave like a certain other presidential candidate.

and McCain apparently didn't think it was important enough to even vote on:

source [GovTrack]

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