Michael Avon Oeming's The Cross Bronx issue #1 is online for your free perusal at hiddenrobots.com.
The four issue mini-series just finished and the trade is in January's Previews, scheduled to ship in March.
The Cross Bronx is a noir-crime/voodoo story about revenge, gangs, guns and a pissed-off mother/Santera priestess. If it only had pirates, it would have been perfect!
Newsarama asked the creators why they're putting the issue up online:
"Our hope is to bring more attention to the trade, which will be out in March. Hopefully people will dig the issue enough to want to cap it off with the whole thing. We've done the same with Powers and we've really opened up our readership" - Mike Oeming
"Please read the comic and buy the trade. I don't have kids, but one day I will and they'll probably need shoes." - Ivan Brandon
Ever since getting hooked on Powers, I've been a big Mike Oeming fan. I'm going to have to remember to include the trade in this month's order. ( JAN071926 in January's Previews)
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